With proactive planning, accurate information and skills we could forgo most of the problems that arise for nursing moms.
I hold other well informed lactation consultants in high regard and pray a time comes when ALL mothers have easy access to a certified, professional lactation consultant who knows the literature and is equipped to help. I also hope we come to once again live within a society that truly values, appreciates, encourages and empowers the gentle mothering of humans by feeding them naturally -- the liquid gold power that is human milk.
In the meantime, here are some of the very best resources (books, followed by websites and articles) for the breastfeeding momma in your life.

1) Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers ~ This is by far the best 'how to' and problem solving book out there for nursing moms ~ I give it to all new mom friends who are planning to breastfeed. Perfect gift for a mom planning to nurse.

2) The Baby Bond: The New Science Behind What's Really Important When Caring For Your Baby by Dr. Linda Palmer - One of my all-time favorite, wish-every-parent-would-read books. If you are already a breastfeeding mom, this book will come as encouraging and empowering support of all you are giving your little one. If you are contemplating nursing a future baby, this book will give you oodles of research with which to make your decision. [This book used to be titled, "Baby Matters"]

3) Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Dr. Sarah Buckley - This book has an excellent chapter on breastfeeding, but the whole text is outstanding (for topics of BOTH birth and mothering)!

4) Our Babies, Ourselves by Dr. Meredith F. Small - Small's book is along the same lines as The Continuum Concept: In Search of Happiness Lost but more 'reader friendly' for the general population. It is an easy to devour book with words of wisdom that highlight the dramatic impact breastfeeding has on all aspects of babyhood, childhood, and adulthood - not to mention the implications on attachment between mother and her little one. Grounded in biology, anthropology, and related sciences, Small speaks on many other aspects of parenting as well, all of which are connected to the way we feed our young.

5) Take Charge of Your Child's Health by Dr. George Wootan. A great reference to have on hand for a variety of issues and a superb chapter on breastfeeding as well as great information on exclusive breastfeeding for the optimal duration of time for children's health.

6) Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding by Ina May Gaskin - Brand new, hot off the press, and OH-SO-GOOD!! This is a must read for any and all mothers and mothers-to-be. Ina May's chapter on nipplephobia in North America makes it worth the purchase for that section alone! Absolutely excellent and a fabulous addition to the collection of breastfeeding literature.

7) Natural Family Living - I love the chapter on breastfeeding in this book. It reaffirms women's mothering instincts and the fact that baby had no other needs than those that can be met by his/her mother's loving care and warm milk.

8) Birth & Breastfeeding by Dr. Michel Odent - This book is primarily geared toward breastfeeding in the early weeks/months of a child's life, and especially around the time of birth. All of Dr. Odent's work is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!! He is such a wise obstetrician (and supporter of midwives).

9) The Politics of Breastfeeding: When Breasts are Bad for Business by Gabrielle Palmer - This book is absolutely essential to understanding the reasons that breastfeeding is vital to the wellbeing of humanity and the hardships faced throughout the world as a result of women not receiving the support, encouragement and empowerment to naturally feed their babies. An eye-opening book that will equip breastfeeding mothers with the knowledge needed to combat trials they face along the way.

10) Jack Newman's Guide to Breastfeeding by Dr. Jack Newman

11) The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding ~ revised/updated 8th edition ~ the 'classic' breastfeeding book by La Leche League International

12) The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk

13) Having multiples? The book, Mothering Multiples will answer all your breastfeeding questions as well as help out with much more. It is an excellent resource for mothers-to-be of multiples, as well as those working to help multiple moms. Having Twins and More does not focus as much on breastfeeding (although a good section is included) but includes more indepth information on other aspects of multiple pregnancy, birth (including accurate intact care information), and childhood. These 2 books together are the perfect gift for any multiple mom to be. The resources and information in them is unmatched elsewhere.

13) Breastfeeding Older Children - the title is slightly misleading because while this book is an empowering read for sure, it is also full of information pertaining to the reasons why so many children in some developed nations (like the US, Canada and the UK) do not breastfeed for the optimal (and WHO recommended) duration of time. It is a must-read for all lactation consultants and those who work with mother/baby pairs around the time of birth. If you are nursing your older child right now, read this book and know you are far from alone in giving your child the milk designed for him or her.

14) Adventures in Tandem Nursing - some of the most ill-informed advice that I continue to hear OBs give to their newly pregnant clients is that they must stop breastfeeding. This is complete garbage. Tandem Nursing (i.e. nursing more than one child at a time) occurs all the time and it is absolutely normal and natural. You were given two breasts and enough milk making capabilities to sustain multiple lives. If you are going to be pregnant while nursing, or plan to nurse more than 1 child at a time, get this book.
15) Mothering Your Nursing Toddler - don't let the dated cover photo fool you, this book has timeless gems of information, tips, and knowledge for mothers nursing toddlers today and tomorrow.

16) How Weaning Happens by Diane Bengson - Includes excellent examples of how weaning happens in a variety of situations, with little ones of all different ages. It is an especially good collection of information for mothers nursing an older baby OR if a mother finds herself in a position where she feels she must complete the weaning process. Note: 'Weaning' includes the time from the FIRST introduction of a non-breastmilk item until the last drop of breastmilk is consumed. Therefore, for most babies, the time of 'weaning' occurs over several years.

17) Baby-led Weaning by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett - This book is more about the introduction and starting of solid food feeding (i.e. anything that is not breastmilk) rather than weaning in and of itself. As mentioned above, weaning starts when baby receives his/her first non-breastmilk source of food and ends when breastmilk is no longer being consumed. This book is excellent in establishing healthy eating habits for toddlers after their exclusive breastfeeding days. It is one which makes baby-feeding easier on parents, easier on baby, and a more enjoyable, healthy (NATURAL!) experience all around.
My only disagreement with Baby-led Weaning is that lactation/nutritional/health research demonstrates the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding over partial breastfeeding do not begin to diminish until after a baby (born at full term) is 8-12 months old. This means that we'd grant our babies the optimal health they were designed to achieve if they had only breastmilk in their diet for the first 8+ months of life, minimum. Then start into baby-led weaning.
When the time comes in your baby's life that it is in their best interest to begin solids (to transition from exclusive breastfeeding to partial breastfeeding), I'd also recommend these books in addition to the above Baby-led Weaning text.

1) Baby Greens

2) Boost Your Child's Immune System: A Program & Recipes for raising strong, healthy kids
80% of the immune system (keeping your little one healthy) is located in the gut. This is why the things you put into your baby's mouth truly do matter!
Our family has been blessed, because despite traveling the country (in and out of germy hotels, airports, and gas stations) as my job requires, our son has only been ill once (with a low grade fever) in his first 17 months of life. We've investigated and followed many of the baby-nursing/feeding ideas in these books and I feel this information was shared with us for a reason -- to enable us in making wiser choices as parents.
I am so thankful to everyone who provided insight to us along the way, and hope that we are able to pass along the blessing to others.
in alphabetical order
Ask Dr. Sears (Dr. William Sears, M.D. and the Sears family of pediatricians)
Breastfeeding Basics (Anne Smith)
Breastfeeding Inc. (Dr. Jack Newman, M.D.)
Breastfeeding Online (Cindy Curtis)
Bliss Breastfeeding (Karen Speed)
Common Sense Breastfeeding (Diane Wiessinger)
Dr. Hale's Infant Risk Center (Dr. Tom Hale, Ph.D.)
Dr. Newman's Breastfeeding Help Handouts [printables]

2) The Baby Bond: The New Science Behind What's Really Important When Caring For Your Baby by Dr. Linda Palmer - One of my all-time favorite, wish-every-parent-would-read books. If you are already a breastfeeding mom, this book will come as encouraging and empowering support of all you are giving your little one. If you are contemplating nursing a future baby, this book will give you oodles of research with which to make your decision. [This book used to be titled, "Baby Matters"]

3) Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Dr. Sarah Buckley - This book has an excellent chapter on breastfeeding, but the whole text is outstanding (for topics of BOTH birth and mothering)!

4) Our Babies, Ourselves by Dr. Meredith F. Small - Small's book is along the same lines as The Continuum Concept: In Search of Happiness Lost but more 'reader friendly' for the general population. It is an easy to devour book with words of wisdom that highlight the dramatic impact breastfeeding has on all aspects of babyhood, childhood, and adulthood - not to mention the implications on attachment between mother and her little one. Grounded in biology, anthropology, and related sciences, Small speaks on many other aspects of parenting as well, all of which are connected to the way we feed our young.

5) Take Charge of Your Child's Health by Dr. George Wootan. A great reference to have on hand for a variety of issues and a superb chapter on breastfeeding as well as great information on exclusive breastfeeding for the optimal duration of time for children's health.

6) Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding by Ina May Gaskin - Brand new, hot off the press, and OH-SO-GOOD!! This is a must read for any and all mothers and mothers-to-be. Ina May's chapter on nipplephobia in North America makes it worth the purchase for that section alone! Absolutely excellent and a fabulous addition to the collection of breastfeeding literature.

7) Natural Family Living - I love the chapter on breastfeeding in this book. It reaffirms women's mothering instincts and the fact that baby had no other needs than those that can be met by his/her mother's loving care and warm milk.

8) Birth & Breastfeeding by Dr. Michel Odent - This book is primarily geared toward breastfeeding in the early weeks/months of a child's life, and especially around the time of birth. All of Dr. Odent's work is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!! He is such a wise obstetrician (and supporter of midwives).

9) The Politics of Breastfeeding: When Breasts are Bad for Business by Gabrielle Palmer - This book is absolutely essential to understanding the reasons that breastfeeding is vital to the wellbeing of humanity and the hardships faced throughout the world as a result of women not receiving the support, encouragement and empowerment to naturally feed their babies. An eye-opening book that will equip breastfeeding mothers with the knowledge needed to combat trials they face along the way.

10) Jack Newman's Guide to Breastfeeding by Dr. Jack Newman

11) The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding ~ revised/updated 8th edition ~ the 'classic' breastfeeding book by La Leche League International

12) The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk

13) Having multiples? The book, Mothering Multiples will answer all your breastfeeding questions as well as help out with much more. It is an excellent resource for mothers-to-be of multiples, as well as those working to help multiple moms. Having Twins and More does not focus as much on breastfeeding (although a good section is included) but includes more indepth information on other aspects of multiple pregnancy, birth (including accurate intact care information), and childhood. These 2 books together are the perfect gift for any multiple mom to be. The resources and information in them is unmatched elsewhere.

13) Breastfeeding Older Children - the title is slightly misleading because while this book is an empowering read for sure, it is also full of information pertaining to the reasons why so many children in some developed nations (like the US, Canada and the UK) do not breastfeed for the optimal (and WHO recommended) duration of time. It is a must-read for all lactation consultants and those who work with mother/baby pairs around the time of birth. If you are nursing your older child right now, read this book and know you are far from alone in giving your child the milk designed for him or her.

14) Adventures in Tandem Nursing - some of the most ill-informed advice that I continue to hear OBs give to their newly pregnant clients is that they must stop breastfeeding. This is complete garbage. Tandem Nursing (i.e. nursing more than one child at a time) occurs all the time and it is absolutely normal and natural. You were given two breasts and enough milk making capabilities to sustain multiple lives. If you are going to be pregnant while nursing, or plan to nurse more than 1 child at a time, get this book.

16) How Weaning Happens by Diane Bengson - Includes excellent examples of how weaning happens in a variety of situations, with little ones of all different ages. It is an especially good collection of information for mothers nursing an older baby OR if a mother finds herself in a position where she feels she must complete the weaning process. Note: 'Weaning' includes the time from the FIRST introduction of a non-breastmilk item until the last drop of breastmilk is consumed. Therefore, for most babies, the time of 'weaning' occurs over several years.

17) Baby-led Weaning by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett - This book is more about the introduction and starting of solid food feeding (i.e. anything that is not breastmilk) rather than weaning in and of itself. As mentioned above, weaning starts when baby receives his/her first non-breastmilk source of food and ends when breastmilk is no longer being consumed. This book is excellent in establishing healthy eating habits for toddlers after their exclusive breastfeeding days. It is one which makes baby-feeding easier on parents, easier on baby, and a more enjoyable, healthy (NATURAL!) experience all around.
My only disagreement with Baby-led Weaning is that lactation/nutritional/health research demonstrates the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding over partial breastfeeding do not begin to diminish until after a baby (born at full term) is 8-12 months old. This means that we'd grant our babies the optimal health they were designed to achieve if they had only breastmilk in their diet for the first 8+ months of life, minimum. Then start into baby-led weaning.
When the time comes in your baby's life that it is in their best interest to begin solids (to transition from exclusive breastfeeding to partial breastfeeding), I'd also recommend these books in addition to the above Baby-led Weaning text.

1) Baby Greens

2) Boost Your Child's Immune System: A Program & Recipes for raising strong, healthy kids
80% of the immune system (keeping your little one healthy) is located in the gut. This is why the things you put into your baby's mouth truly do matter!
Our family has been blessed, because despite traveling the country (in and out of germy hotels, airports, and gas stations) as my job requires, our son has only been ill once (with a low grade fever) in his first 17 months of life. We've investigated and followed many of the baby-nursing/feeding ideas in these books and I feel this information was shared with us for a reason -- to enable us in making wiser choices as parents.
I am so thankful to everyone who provided insight to us along the way, and hope that we are able to pass along the blessing to others.
in alphabetical order
Ask Dr. Sears (Dr. William Sears, M.D. and the Sears family of pediatricians)
Breastfeeding Basics (Anne Smith)
Breastfeeding Inc. (Dr. Jack Newman, M.D.)
Breastfeeding Online (Cindy Curtis)
Bliss Breastfeeding (Karen Speed)
Common Sense Breastfeeding (Diane Wiessinger)
Dr. Hale's Infant Risk Center (Dr. Tom Hale, Ph.D.)
Dr. Newman's Breastfeeding Help Handouts [printables]
KellyMom (Kelly Bonyata)
Mothering (Peggy O'Mara)
The following are items related to breastfeeding at DrMomma.org, in alphabetical order. If you would like to submit an article for consideration at peaceful parenting, write to DrMomma.org@gmail.com Guest authors may include a brief bio and links to their own work/site. AAFP Statement: Breastfeeding Beyond Infancy
A Mother's Love [poem]
A Special Kind of Boob
Adventure in Ezzoland
American Academy of Pediatrics Statement on 'Babywise' (or scheduled feeding)
As Nature Intended
Ask the Experts: Insufficient Milk Supply
'Babywise' Linked to Babies' Dehydration, Failure to Thrive (AAP)
Balancing Breastfeeding: When Moms Must Work
Better Homes & Gardens 10 Commandments
Big Bird Learns About Breastfeeding
Brazil's Breastfeeding Ad
Breastfeeding Advocacy and Formula Feeding Guilt
Breastfeeding Angelina Jolie: Tandem Nursing Statue
Breastfeeding an Adopted Baby
Breastfeeding and Bedsharing
Breastfeeding and Circumcision
Breastfeeding Baby Jesus
Breastfeeding Does Not Cause Breasts to Sag
Breastfeeding Does Not Cause Cavities
Breastfeeding Duration and Weaning Diet Impact Body Composition
Breastfeeding: If At First You Don't Succeed
Breastfeeding in Church: A Picture of Christ's Sacrificial Love
Breastfeeding in Public: A Christian Father Speaks Up
Breastfeeding in Mongolia
Breastfeeding Latch Trick
Breastfeeding Less than 6 Months Shows Decreases in Mental Health
Breastfeeding Loss: A Grandmother Still Mourns
Breastfeeding My Adopted Child
Breastfeeding Protects Against Rotavirus Diarrhea More than Vaccination
Breastfeeding Resources [you are on this page]
Breastfeeding: Thee Best Economic Stimulus Package
Breastfeeding Weaning & Duration Impacts Health
Breastmilk Component Kills Cancer Cells
Breastmilk Donation
Breastmilk, Oats & Honey Lotion
Breastmilk Popsicles
Breastmilk Sugars Provide Babies with Protective Coat
Breastmilk Used in Cancer Fight
Breasts in Mourning: How bottle feeding mimics child loss in mothers' brains
Busting Breastfeeding Myths
Bye-Bye Baby: Baby Gloton Sold Out World Wide
The Case for Cue Feeding
Castor Oil Pack Therapy
Cedar Rapids, IA Nurse-in After Mother Harassed
Circumcision Increases Breastfeeding Complications
Confessions of a Failed Babywiser
Could Breastmilk be the Cure for Acne?
Early Exclusive Breastfeeding Reduces Newborn Death
Enfamil's new "RestFull" Formula Discourages Necessary Nighttime Parenting
The Effects of Circumcision on Breastfeeding
Encouraging Black Women to Embrace Breastfeeding
Exclusive Human Milk Benefits Preterm Babies
Exclusively Breastfeeding Less than 6 Months Increases Lung & Intestinal Infections
Facebook to Ban Breastfeeding Support Group
Federal Breastfeeding Laws
Fanatical Breastfeeder: Part One
First Time Mom to Adopt and Breastfeed Her Two Babies
Formula For Disaster [Video]
Free Formula Samples Never Save the Day
History of La Leche League
HIV & Breastfeeding
How the Foreskin & Breastfeeding Protect from UTI (urinary tract infection)
Human Milk Kick Starts Baby's Immune System
If My Baby Bites
If You Nurse Your Baby...
Ill Baby in SE MI needs donated milk
In Solidarity: Why SEEING Breastfeeding is Still Important
Induced Lactation
International Breastfeeding Symbol
Is Your Baby on a Nursing Strike?
Isn't it Poisonous? Breastfeeding While Pregnant
Kangaroo Mother Care Saves 2lb Premature Twin
Lactating Fountains
Lactation Cookies: Increasing Milk Supply
Lactivist/Intactivist Christmas Ornaments
Lone Lactivist
Major Milk Makin' Lactation Cookies
The Medicinal Uses of Breastmilk
Milk Drunk [poem]
Milkies Milk Saver
Milky Way [poem]
Model, Nell McAndrew, on NIP and Child-led Weaning
More Moms Choose Breastfeeding to Save Money
More Ways to Use Breastmilk
Mother Baby Separation
Mother who lost baby donates breastmilk...
Mother's Milk Cheese
Mother's Skin-to-Skin Goodbye Saves Baby
Multinationals Break Formula Sales Laws
My Adoptive Breastfeeding Journey
Natural Weaning
Newborn Breast Crawl
Night Waking [and Nursing] Protects Against SIDS
Nipplephobia: When Mammals May Not Feed Their Young
Nursing a Costco Receipt
Nursing a Baby Without Wearing a Bag or Spending Your Life Savings
Oh the Lies: Breastfeeding vs. Organic Formula
Old Navy Sells "Formula Powered" Onesie
On Becoming Elderwise: Caring for Grandma God's Way [parody]
The Original Happy Meal
Our Mosaic: Sixteen Months of Breastfeeding
Peaceful Parenting: Following Your Instincts
Peaceful Parenting: Overcoming My Childhood Abuse
Pediatric Nurse and Former Ezzo Parent
Planting Seeds: Making a Difference Post by Post
Reasons NOT to send formula or breastmilk to Haiti
Rooting While at Rest [poem]
SIDS and Enfamil "Restfull" Formula: Yes, the connection exists
Starting Solids? Read These First!
Tackling Distress Tantrums with Brain Research
Taking Down Babywise: A Hero
Teething, Momma Milk and Nighttime Parenting
Teething Pains
The Taste of Mom's Milk
Thank You for Nursing in Public
Tips for Biting While Breastfeeding
Tips for Nursing Strikes
Toddler at the Snack Bar
Top Breastfeeding Slogans
Treating and Preventing Thrush
TRIandem Nursing
Turn Your Crib into a CoSleeper
Two Dozen Nursing Moms Come to Aid of Baby Boy
UK Mother Fighting Cancer in Need of Breastmilk for Newborn Baby
United States Breastfeeding Committee Statement
United States' Breastfeeding Laws
Urgent Need: Lact-Aid System Parts
US Officials say it's Time for More Moms to Breastfeed
The Virgin Gut
Watch Your Language
Wean Me Gently [poem]
We are All Lactivists
We Came Barefoot, Naked, and Covered in Bugs
Why African Babies Don't Cry
Why is Breastfeeding So Important?
Why SEEING Breastfeeding is Important
Worcester, MA Baby in Need of Donor Milk
World Breastfeeding Challenge: 2010
You Made a Difference for That One
101 Reasons to Breastfeed
7 Breastfeeding Facts You Should Know
CoSleeping Impacts Breastfeeding (articles & links)
Babywearing Impacts Breastfeeding (articles & links)
Sleep Training & Parent Directed Feeding (articles & links)
Thank you for including the links related to the impact of circumcision on breastfeeding. Our first son had a terrible time nursing AFTER he was circumcised (before the surgery he was fine). He never did 'recover' fully and we dealt with failure-to-thrive issues. We were more educated by the time DS #2 arrived and the rest of our boys are intact. The rest of them also breastfed as champs from the beginning and never had problems. I will forever regret not being more educated on the impact that circumcision has on breastfeeding (and many other health issues) before my first son was born. Thank you for giving me something to pass onto others.
ReplyDeleteThe harm that circumcision causes to effective breastfeeding was the reason one of our larger hospitals in SD stopped doing circumcision surgeries (according to the head pediatricians).
ReplyDeleteAnother great breastfeeding book is Breastfeeding with Confidence by Sue Cox. Not a thick book for the non-readers out there but with great accurate, evidence based information.
ReplyDeleteI scanned through the list really quickly, but I didn't see anything about premies and the importance of breastmilk! There is a really great video published by a hospital in the US called "A Premie Needs his Mother", it's 60ish minutes long and goes through all the steps prems take when trying to establish breastfeeding.
ReplyDeleteThere's also really cool new research that's coming out about establishing pumping and breast emptying within ONE HOUR of birth in order to achieve maximum milk supply, and how hand expression and pumping increases the milk supply by almost 50%! We just got an update on it today at our nursing education day. :)
Can I suggest another great breastfeeding book: "A Nursing Mother's Companion". It is excellent- has wonderful advice on various topics, including returning to work & pumping. Also recommends cue feeding and advises against "Babywise". And has information on adequate weight gain! As a nurse practitioner and mom who's successfully nursed two babies, it's the top book I recommend!