This is just sick.
Parents of newborns are tired. Yes, we know this. It is normal. Baby's sleep patterns are all their own - for their own protective health. See Dr. Sears' The Baby Sleep Book, Elizabeth Pantley's The No-Cry Sleep Solution, or any of the resources at Infant Sleep: A Review of Research for more helpful information on your baby's sleep (and better nights for you too).
One thing is for certain: Babies are not *designed* to be left alone, ignored all night long - and to have their tiny developing guts stuffed up with junk (decreasing immunity, increasing constipation and belly aches, raising cortisol and other stress hormones, causing an irregularity in respiration - an increase in SIDS, and denying them the human milk they were meant to consume).
Babies need to sleep lightly and/or wake up frequently at night - it is a very protective feature against SIDS. Might this new formula be linked with a SIDS increase? Babies need frequent night feeding due to the rapid pace of neurological development that occurs especially during those sleepy, night-time hours when calories and energy are all focused on the brain.
If you don't wish to PARENT a baby (even during the nighttime hours), then don't have a baby.
I'll quote Emma Kwasnica, a smart mother and baby-health activist, "RestFull is especially designed to sit & rot in your infant's gut all night! Pick your babies up & feed them at night, too!"
It is frightening that for a profit, Enfamil is playing on parents' exhaustion and need for sleep at the expense of babies' health and wellbeing. It is all about $$$ today, isn't it?

New Enfamil® RestFull™
Specially designed to help babies feel full longer and sleep better.
Give your baby a RestFull Night.
Your baby needs a proper amount of sleep to keep her healthy and happy. That's why we created new Enfamil RestFull, the formula specially designed to naturally encourage a good night's sleep.
- A natural way to help keep your baby feeling satisfied.
- Thickens gently in baby's tummy and digests slowly.

Disgusting! Argh I wouldn't give that to my children if THEY paid ME!
ReplyDeleteSad how many parents are going to read the thickens gently & digests slowly & not get why those are incredibly disgusting things for something you feed your baby. WTH are they putting in it that makes it thicken at all?!
ReplyDelete:-( Sometimes when I eat garbage like McDonalds at night it sits and gurgles and cramps but hey, I do sleep longer. Wait, no I don't. I wake up with cramps & gas! This is misleading and confusing to new mothers. SHAME ON YOU, ENFAMIL!
ReplyDeleteI don't get it. Why does society insist on putting babies away and letting them cry it out, and now a formula to help them sleep all night?!
ReplyDeleteThis is just disgusting. It's really sad because there are a lot of parents who don't believe in Night-time Parenting to begin with.
Parenting is like always being on call. It's challenging and rewarding. I can't understand why anyone would want to put an innocent childrens lives in danger for a profit.
I don't see how they can sleep at night.
I hope the response is strong and immediate. I hope that if this isn't pulled off the market asap, that someone faces criminal charges or at the very least a huge lawsuit.
ReplyDeleteThis just leaves me sickened!
ReplyDeleteDisgusting. Beyond just the neglect encouraged at night because of this, I can also see parents choosing to use this in day to save money...oh, they can go all night without eating, well, lets give this to them in the day and I'll only have to feed them like twice. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteThis is simply awful. The chemist in me is curious as to the combination of chemicals, herbs, and very-hard-to-digest-ingredients that were used to make something that would curdle, clot, expand and stick to the inside of the human gut. It is like pumping glue into the stomach so that it tricks the brain into thinking "I am full" when actually the body is severely lacking in the nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and calories it needs to function.
ReplyDeleteCertainly not something we want to deposit into a developing brain/body.
Even more frightening - as some others here have mentioned - is that many parents will likely use this during the daytime hours as well -- to "shut their baby up" or to try and save money, thinking they only need to feed their baby 2-3 times a day now that they have something that "FILLS" them up.
A fellow pediatrician colleague here at the hospital recently treated a 4lb SIX month old who was starving to death because the baby's parents thought they could just add rice cereal to her formula to 'fill her up' 3 times a day. Her brain had already completely shut down due to starvation and her body was near death as well. This poor child had been born a healthy, hearty baby and had literally starved to death at the hand of unknowing parents who thought she could just eat 3 times a day and "be quiet" in her crib the rest of the day/night.
This "RestFull" formula encourages exactly THIS sort of behavior on the part of naive parents.
Not only will SIDS increase, digestion problems increase, behavior problems increase (due to lack of touch/handling/parenting), but it is likely that pure infant neglect, malnutrition, and starvation will increase as well.
This is shameful. This is another "product" to add more convenience to the parents.. no nighttime parenting required! just stuff your kid with this formula and he will be out all night! no waking up to disturb anyone... I am concerned about what the ingredients are in this crap and what impact on the baby's digestion it will have.
ReplyDeleteI hope that formula feeding parents and pediatricians get pissed at this too and not just us lactivists.
ReplyDeleteHow's this for a tagline: "like lead in your baby's tummy!"
Why would you want to give something to your baby that is going to suppress ANY of its natural urges? I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in over 5 years now, and I still wouldn't give this to any of my children no matter what you paid me! Learning as much as I have about the GI tract and digestive system since being diagnosed with Celiac Disease, it really scares me! As others pointed out, just WHAT exactly expands gently and digests slowly?? Gum? Wax? Um... I got it! Latex? I hope this is pulled off the shelves PRONTO!!!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely horrifying. I genuinely believe we will see several things occur as a result of this new "RestFull":
ReplyDelete1) an increase in SIDS as parents leave their babies alone longer and try to 'stuff them up' to sleep in a less natural manner
2) an increase in malnourishment and starvation as parents think they can save money and only feed their baby this 'thicker' formula only a few times a day as opposed to every few hours (we have already seen this occur at the NC Children's Hospital)
3) an increase in bowel and gut problems as things that are completely UNnatural are introduced into tiny baby guts in an effort to 'stuff them up' and make them artificially full
4) an increase in illness as 80% of the immune system is in the gut
5) an increase in behavior and relational issues (increased colic, crying, fussiness, etc) because parents will think they 'fill baby up' - throw him/her in a crib and "RESTFULL" themselves for the entire night...
It is so disturbing on so many levels.
Absolutely shameful. :(
ReplyDeleteHow the hell can they get away with this, it is nothing short of abuse.
ReplyDeleteI am simply and utterly horrified by this product. I have two children and one was a bad sleeper and the other is a great sleeper. But in the first weeks I was asked by the pediatrician to WAKE up the good sleeper to assure that he had sufficient weight gain. It seems to me that sleeping through the night should not be a goal but something that will happen naturally over time. Even my bad sleeper now sleeps all night most nights since she was two. And my good sleeper wakes a little more because of teething. If you don't want to wake up to feed your baby, don't have one, and instead buy a doll with an on/off switch.
ReplyDeleteThis makes me sick. I cannot believe it is on the market.
ReplyDeleteActually, I can believe it is on the market. A lot of money to be made! Lots of babies to damage!
This is so utterly disgusting. I am so tired of parents not wanting to take care of their baby when it is not convenient for them. This product is going to cause so many problems. I hate this litigious society but I hope that Mead-Johnson (Enfamil company) gets sued and loses a tremendous amount of money and respect!
ReplyDeleteThat is just sick and wrong. What the hell is "natural" about it?
ReplyDeleteThis is SO shocking and sad. Unfortunately, it is also an old school mom would always say things like, "is Maxine/Oscar getting enough to eat" or "get her/his belly full and they should sleep" to me when I would talk or complain about how many times in the night either child would wake up.
ReplyDeletesigh. Glad I stuck to my guns on that and nursed on demand morning, noon and night. BTW both of them sleep just fine now at three and 18 months.
I've been really bothered by this new formula since I heard about it a couple of days ago. The formula has added rice starch which makes it thick, foamy and stick to the bottle, so imagine it in your baby's tummy. The best part? This is nothing more than Enfamil's "AR" product which is for babies who spit up frequently. So now they can get more people to buy an even more expensive formula. Ingenious, right? Do some Googling and you'll see that lots of women are already enthusiastic about this gross product and giving it to their babies before naps and bedtime. One mom wrote on a message board that the formula was so thick she had to cut a bigger hole in the nipple in order to feed it to her baby and it stuck to the bottle, making it difficult to tell how much the baby actually consumed. People are asking their pediatricians about it and so far none seem to know much about it. Hopefully they'll get hip to it soon and start warning parents against using this.
ReplyDeleteWow, Just wow. I am shocked that this has even made it to the market (well, take that back, not really). And the story of that poor poor 6 month old who starved due to the neglect of the parents. it brought tears to my eyes. How terrible.
ReplyDeleteThis is insane. Another thing I worry about in addition to other comments I see...there are people who will abuse this and use it all day long...I hate to see where this will go.
ReplyDeletethat is just sick
ReplyDeleteDanielle asked for a formula feeding mom and here she is. This product to me is disgusting.
ReplyDeleteGranted - I put rice in my daughter's formula at night - but *NOT* to help her sleep longer, but to cut back on reflux spit ups. Soon as she didn't need it anymore - I stopped giving it. And it didn't 'make her' sleep any longer - if she was hungry she was hungry.
you are all right this takes the parenting out of parenting. If your child needs some cereal b/c of reflux - then YOU add it - YOU control the amount! Yes, I needed fast flow nipples to work with the rice - but i never had to EXPAND the nipple, itnever got THAT thick.
I gave formula b/c BFing just didn't happen for me - and for my own health I had to stop pumping. But I went with an organic formula, that I hoped would be as close as I could get to the real thing. (i'm sad I couldn't BF but refuse to feel guilty about it...)
THis formula though - really does sadden me, b/c I think it *WILL* encourage nutrient starving as cost savings, "energy savings" for the parents etc... VERY wrong.
wow - you have GOT to be kidding me. you have a baby, baby wakes up, mommy wakes up and feeds baby, it's how we were designed. If you want more sleep, buy a dog or a cat, don't have a child. Boy they'll have a rude awakening when eventually they realize kids sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, even when they are old enough to eat food. What will they fill their tummies with then, wall paper paste?
ReplyDeleteHas this product been approved by the Food and Drug Administration?
ReplyDeleteThe makers of this product need to be innodated with letters of concern.
I don't want to say outright that formula companies are evil, but it's hard for me to say otherwise sometimes. This product disgusts me.
ReplyDeleteBeyond disgusting and makes my blood boil!!! Sad thing is this junk will be flying off the shelves.
ReplyDeleteI'm a tandem nursing mother of two ( big!) boys, 21 months apart. Neither have ever had formula.. restful sleep? I'd cut off an arm for it some days... Formula that offers this?? I'd cut off BOTH arms to keep it off the market.
ReplyDeletePrimal Mommies Blog:
ReplyDeleteHere are my Top 10 Breastfeeding Slogans:
1. I breastfeed because I couldn't produce enough formula.
2. Breastmilk: Never Been Recalled.
3. I drink until I pass out.
4. If breastfeeding in public disturbs you, please feel free to put a blanket over your
5. My baby does not like to eat in the bathroom, do you?
6. Yes, I am still breastfeeding; get over it.
7. Formula-$10. Paci- $2. Breastfeeding - Priceless.
8. Don't be a weaner. Breastfeeding is for toddler's too!
9. When you feed your children in a bathroom, I will too.
10. Instant Happy Baby: Just add breastmilk.
"Breastfeeding: A Moveable Feast".
An update to this blog has been posted with more detailed information and resources, as well as the ingredient list (in the comments section):
ReplyDeletegreat post, thanks for the info. we will be parents in a few days. i posted and referenced your great post here:
Breastfeeding was highly discouraged when I was having my babies, but I bucked the "norm", opting for what was best for my child, not convenient for me or "acceptable" in others' eyes. I cherished those quiet, middle of the night feedings with ALL of my children, and they remain among my fondest memories. And yes, I breastfed all five of mine until they self weaned.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone here. I read Dr. Sears books and "knew better" than to "shut the baby up" in any way possible. I breastfed mine and starting at about 3 months, she co-slept with me. This is very wrong, really.
ReplyDeleteBeing a parent is not suppose to be easy if you wanted easy get a goldfish this enfamil sounds like another thing that in a few years after the harm has been done it wil be taken off the market because of dangerous results.
ReplyDeleteYUCK...makes me want to vomit.
ReplyDeleteAlthough it is hard to get up many times a night I do enjoy that sweet quiet time with my babies. It is sad that people want to spend less time with their children.
ReplyDeleteFormula is horrid! I would NEVER give my baby regular formula, this sounds horrific!!! So much worse! Poor babies!
"Thickens gently in baby's tummy". Ummmmmm.... YUCK!!!
ReplyDeleteI have had problems with breastfeeding since day one. I think if there is a BF problem/issue out there I had it 10 fold. For various reasons I had to take my son off @ about 6 months. What did I do then? PUMP! and pump & pump, and I'm still pumping. In fact I'm pumping right now! I produce far less now than I did a month from now but he will NEVER, I repeat NEVER be given formula! Especially not one that thickens anywhere! We will make it to the 1 year mark. Even if that is as far as we can go.
Angela ~ your story is amazing. How greatly your little one will thank you! And is benefiting!
ReplyDeleteWe, too, had many problems - breastfeeding doesn't always come easy. But I was like you - there was NO WAY our baby would be given anything but the BEST - what was natural and normal for him. So I pumped and pumped and we worked daily with hired lactation consultants and finally got everything taken care of.
I was so adamant about him ONLY getting momma milk for at least the first 10 months (at 10 months we added in fruits/veggies) that I made a list of donor moms and places my husband could 'find' enough milk should anything happen to me.
I stocked the freezer with frozen milk, took Fenugreek, and built up my supply through every means available.
It is encouraging and empowering to read of other mothers who did the same. There are ALWAYS options. Before formula was available, babies who had trouble nursing did not just die -- solutions ARE out there. We just have to be open to talking about it, sharing, and asking for/seeking out help and options.
Thank you for sharing your story.
Angela ~ your story is amazing. How greatly your little one will thank you! And is benefiting!
ReplyDeleteWe, too, had many problems - breastfeeding doesn't always come easy. But I was like you - there was NO WAY our baby would be given anything but the BEST - what was natural and normal for him. So I pumped and pumped and we worked daily with hired lactation consultants and finally got everything taken care of.
I was so adamant about him ONLY getting momma milk for at least the first 10 months (at 10 months we added in fruits/veggies) that I made a list of donor moms and places my husband could 'find' enough milk should anything happen to me.
I stocked the freezer with frozen milk, took Fenugreek, and built up my supply through every means available.
It is encouraging and empowering to read of other mothers who did the same. There are ALWAYS options. Before formula was available, babies who had trouble nursing did not just die -- solutions ARE out there. We just have to be open to talking about it, sharing, and asking for/seeking out help and options.
Thank you for sharing your story.
Hi, I am a WIC Nutritionist in North FL-I have no kids though. Me and hubby look forward to it one day. We also look forward to breastfeeding our baby one day!
ReplyDeleteWe got the news on this formula via the WIC TALK emails that connects WIC Nutritionists in all 50 states and other territories that have WIC (Puerto Rico, etc)---and they are PISSED!
We already BEG BEG BEG all day for moms to breastfeed exclusively. Then we BEG BEG BEG and PLEAD that moms DO NOT PUT cereal in the formula if they choose to use the artificial baby milk (I use this term at work, clients hate it-WE DON'T CARE!)....Then we get this slap in the face!
Our local breastfeeding coalitions in my city AND other cities are already on a letter writing campaign! We will make sure Enfamil knows how we feel! They hate already either b/c we wrote to the BBB, FDA, and other consumer groups about them marketing Enfamil Premium as "just like Breastmilk" That statement was down in a week!
It may be more filling, but it isn't more nutritious. You're using it *exactly* how people were concerned it was going to be used. You are using it so you can not feed your baby as often so you can save money & you don't even see that by doing that, you are depriving your baby of nutrition. I hope your baby manages to somehow thrive despite your shameful concern for money over your baby's health.
ReplyDeleteI thought it would be a good idea to have a restfull night, so I gave Enfamil RestFul to one month old. Instead of restfull sleep I got restless sleep, because it caused terrible colics. The baby cried for several hours and didn't sleep at all. May be this product works better for older children...
ReplyDeleteI don't know if this actually will get your baby to sleep through the night it will just keep them from eating through the night. If a baby's natural urge is to wake up for a wet diaper then they are going to wake up regardless of how full their tummy is.
ReplyDeleteThat being said and a 2nd time mom myself, I enjoy my daughters waking me up at night. I reminds me that they are alive and okay, and I would never give them something that gets thicker inside the body than on the outside. That's just weird. What goes in the body should remain the way it went in, not change as a chemical reaction to what's in your body. So as much as I say a baby will wake up regardless I totally disagree with using this as a method to keep your baby sleeping through the night so you don't have to feed them. Get your lazy butt out of bed, or maybe you should have rethought the entire birth control thing.
I have three children (5y, 3y and a 3 month old)and breastfed my two older chldren exlusevely until 6 months. But you know what, my three month old wakes up every hour at night to eat. And I wake up. And I have to get my older son ready for school at 7:30 am. And I have a full-time job from 6 am, and my husband travels a lot for his work. My son goes to soccer and karate, my daughter has dance classes and I am on my own most of the time, we can't afford help and our parents are too old to help us. Don't you think that my kids deserve a mother who is rested, happy and energized instead of the one who is tired all the time, nagging and dosing off once seated? Don't you think that my kids deserve home-made food instead of fish sticks and chicken nuggets that I was feeding them for the past three months because I am too tired to cook? I am so tired I am scared to drive, because I am worried that I will fall asleep at the wheel. Would any of you lactivists dare to blame me for wanting a good night of sleep?
ReplyDeleteAnon -
ReplyDeleteMothers certainly need rest to be able to function. And those early months are tough. This is why it is so important to have things in order before baby making begins and (when there are 2 parents in the home) have one parent be parenting full time - i.e. not leaving to work apart from the kiddos.
In your situation, or in any where baby is still under the age of 18 months and needing to night nurse for health, development, and body regulation (breathing, heart rate, hormones, etc.) it is best to share sleep -- i.e. sleep by your baby on a safe surface or side car your crib so s/he is right next to you and you can just roll over and night nurse without having to get up or wake up fully. Babies quickly learn how to latch in the dark, and typically, by 5 months or so, they are self-latching to nurse and mom gets a full night's sleep.
Many single mothers who must work (apart from their babies all day) have used sharing sleep ('cosleeping') to get good sleep at night, and still be able to breastfeed and be close to their baby for the majority of the time they are able to be at home with him/her. The benefits are too great to mention.
These early months/years will go quickly by, but have a lasting impact on the health and development, as well as attachment and later relationships, for this tiny human being.
Here is a video and examples of how other mothers have turned their crib into a side-car for safe/comfy cosleeping and night nursing:
I have never used it before but before everyone gets all crazy about it, maybe you should research it! It is the same as Enfamil AR that has been used for years for reflux! It's says it right on the can formally known as AR!! It's not different than putting cereal in a bottle which never worked for me when my 2nd son had reflux!