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Starting Solids? Read These First!

Is my baby ready for solids?

Before the time comes in your baby's life that it is in their best interest to begin solids (to transition from exclusive breastfeeding to partial breastfeeding), five great books with ideas on healthy baby and toddler feeding are:

1) Baby Matters: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Caring for Your Baby

2) Baby-Led Weaning

3) Take Charge of Your Child's Health 

4) Baby Greens: A Live-Food Approach for Children's of All Ages

5) Boost Your Child's Immune System: A Program and Recipes for raising strong, healthy kids

6) Natural Family Living

I'd encourage you to check them out from your local library or pick up a copy from Amazon or your bookstore. Baby-led Weaning is especially beneficial to read before the day comes to start solids in your house. :)

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