American Academy of Pediatrics - October 17- 20, 2009 – Washington, DC
Each year we attempt to have a group of intactivists outside the American Academy of Pediatrics conference holding signs, passing out literature, and raising awareness about the importance of genital integrity. Most pediatricians are friendly, but unaware of much that surrounds this issue, and many good conversations have occurred.
This is the most crucial year ever as the AAP is re-writing their statement on neonatal circumcision (for the first time ever) due to political pressure, with no medical justification to back the new statement. Currently, NOT ONE medical or health organization in the world recommends circumcision. The majority of Western, developed nations other than the U.S. have banned all forms of infant male and female genital cutting.
We are gathering individuals to come and hold signs outside the AAP during their conference. We will gladly supply you with signs.
Many attending will be staying at the Best Western in Rockville, MD.
There will also be a gathering the evening of Saturday, Oct 17, at a private home in the area.
If you can come or you want more information, please contact Dan Strandjord at:
I hope you can make it. If you can't attend in person, PLEASE make sure the chair of the AAP task force has heard from you:
Susan Blank, M.D.
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
125 Worth St.
New York, NY 10013
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
125 Worth St.
New York, NY 10013
You can find additional key AAP and CDC contacts with e-mails at:
Start Time: |
Saturday, October 17, 2009 at 7:30am
End Time: |
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at 5:00pm
Location: |
Convention Center, Washington DC
Event On Facebook Here

Functions of the Foreskin - Drs. Fleiss & Hodges discuss the purpose of the prepuce organ
More current news on the HIV/Circumcision topic:
**HIV Increases in Africa Where Men Circumcised
**The Nuts & Bolts of HIV in the USA and Why Circumcision Won't Protect Men
** The Truth About Circumcision and HIV
**Here We Go Again: HIV & Circumcision
** For a "lighter" look: Penn & Teller Discuss the Latest
I'll try to be there! This has to be's insane they think that based on ONE FLAWED STUDY from Africa should dictate that people circumcise their babies. If circumcision really worked to prevent AIDS/STD's, then USA would have the lowest AIDS rate of any nation in the world, and they don't!!!