Oh My Goodness.
Glorified lube for big $$ promises a better hospital birth.
Suggestion: Let's get birthing women OFF their backs; Get them into some water; And allow them to birth where they are most comfortable with a professional mother/baby-friendly birth advocate instead of a surgeon.
WHY - W-H-Y - is the woman in the demonstration video on this product's website supine? So very unnatural - not to mention incredibly uncomfortable - even for an animated birth. I suppose in that position you'd take what you can get...
Or maybe we've just seen too many perfect, gentle, physiological births lately (sans any tears!) to know what this is all about...
For a truly 'easier' birth, check out any of these excellent sources before your birthing day.
Dianatal® obstetric gel - For an easier birth
For use by qualified obstetric professionals (midwifes and physicians) only.

Properties, galenic form and ingredients Dianatal® obstetric gel is sterile and packed in sterile single-use syringes. It is non-allergenic, bioadhesive, electroconductive, isotonic, slightly acidic, latex-free, free of preservatives, and kind on mucous membranes and on the eyes. Dianatal® obstetric gel does not contain any pharmaceutically active ingredients. Dianatal® obstetric gel is an odourless, almost colourless gel, packed in sterile (autoclave) single-use packaging. The gel is highly viscous, isotonic, with a slightly acidic pH of 5.5 - 6.5 and electrical con¬ductivity of 5.0 - 9.0 mS cm-1
Special properties: Dianatal® stage 1: highly bioadhesive: white plunger Dianatal® stage 2: moderately bioadhesive: blue plunger
Ingredients: One single-use syringe of 11 ml obstetric gel contains the following active ingredients: Propylene glycol, carbomer, hydroxyethylcellulose, purifed water
Indication and uses of Dianatal® obstetric gel Dianatal® obstetric gel has been developed specifically to assist with vaginal delivery. It is highly bioadhesive and has a high water binding capacity. Dianatal® obstetric gel is used during vaginal delivery to make the birth easier for both mother and child, and to protect the perineum. Dianatal® obstetric gel forms a low-friction bioadhesive film in the vaginal birth canal, reducing the friction between the child and the vaginal birth canal which can make delivery more difficult. Dianatal® obstetric gel is sterile, non-allergic, electro-conductive, slightly acidic, isotonic, kind on mu¬cous membranes and on the eyes. Dianatal® obstetric gel can be used both for first-timer mothers and for women who have already given birth, following Caesarean section or for completion of delivery by means of vaginal surgery. Dianatal® obstetric gel eases and shortens both the first and second stages of labour and protects mother and child, in particular protecting the vagina, the pelvic floor and the perineum.
Dianatal® obstetric gel is used specifically: - to make vaginal delivery easier to protect both mother and child by reducing the friction which can hinder delivery for both first-timer mothers and women who have already given birth, following Caesarean section, for water births, for premature delivery, following rupture of the amniotic sac - to treat prolonged delivery - to ease vaginal surgery - to protect the perineum during vaginal delivery - to make manual detachment of the placenta easier
Special recommendations for use: Dianatal® stage 1: for use during the fist stage of labour Dianatal® stage 2: for use during the second stage of labour and for manual detachment of the placenta
Dosage and application Dianatal® obstetric gel is applied during the vaginal examinations during delivery, beginning with the first vaginal examination. 3-5 ml gel is evenly distributed in the vaginal birth canal at each vaginal examination using a sterile glove. A flexible vaginal applicator can be used to improve application; 2-3 ml gel is applied ahead of the presenting part. In order to achieve the optimum low-friction film, care should be taken to ensure that sufficient fluid is added when the gel is applied. The standard solutions such as NaCl or aseptic solution can be used for this. An additional application of gel should be made 15-30 minutes after rupture of the amniotic sac. Dianatal® obstetric gel shortens both the first and second stages of labour. It should therefore be used throughout the entire delivery. Dianatal® stage 1 is particularly used during the first stage of labour, Dianatal® stage 2 during the second stage. The necessary dosage is on average between 10 ml and 30 ml Dianatal® obstetric gel per delivery Experience has shown the maximum required amount to be 30 ml Dianatal® obstetric gel. The gel should only be applied by qualified obstetric professionals.
Method of use For local application in the vaginal birth canal only
Precautions Content is sterile as long as the blister pack has not been opened. You should not use the Obstetric Gel if the packaging is damaged or if the packaging has been opened or after the expiry date. Once the sterile blister pack has been opened the syringes must be handled in accordance with sterile regula¬tions in order to ensure that they remain sterile. Once the baby’s head has emerged his/her face area (including eyes and nose) should be wiped with a dry cloth. Superficial aspiration of the mouth/nose area should also be carried out if appropriate. It is advisable to use a dry cloth as the child emerges to prevent the baby from slipping. Because Dianatal® obstetric gel is electro-conductive, electro-surgery can be employed for haemostasis at any time after the use of Dianatal® obstetric gel, for example when performing a Caesarean section or revision of the birth canal. Dianatal® obstetric gel should therefore not be used in combination with other gels as this may impair the electrical conductivity of Dianatal®
Biocompatibility and use during pregnancy Dianatal® obstetric gel has been tested with regard to biocompatibility in line with international guideli¬nes. These tests have not produced any evidence of any harmful effect for mother or baby.
Adverse effects No adverse effects have been reported to date.
Interaction No cases involving interaction have been reported to date.
Contraindications Dianatal® obstetric gel should not be used if: • amniotic infection syndrome is suspected • there are signs of fetal asphyxia • there is a known allergy to any of the ingredients • vaginal delivery is contra-indicated
Storage and shelf-life Dianatal® obstetric gel should be stored at room temperature and should be protected from light. The expiry date is printed on the outer wrapping and the packaging. Dianatal® obstetric gel should not be used after the expiry date.
Manufacturer: MPC INTERNATIONAL S A 26, Boulevard Royal L-2449 Luxembourg
A future-midwife, birthing-goddess friend shares her recent experience ala slides and commentary here. She had an 'easier birth' without much need for Dianatal.
Ewww... how does it shorten first stage of labor???
ReplyDeleteI dunno but I would not want that thing rubbing my baby's face/body. yikes!
ReplyDeleteUh, "reduce friction"? You mean after the membranes have ruptured? Or when the OB ruptures them? Another way to make women feel their bodies aren't designed to give birth without medical help!!! Nasty!
ReplyDeleteHar. De. Har. Well, it's better than Labor Pro.
ReplyDeleteI used this product in my second birth and it definitely lived up to the claims (faster birth, less tearing) plus I was walking within hours which was shocking for the hospital staff and me. There isn't any drug involved so I had a very positive natural childbirth.
ReplyDeleteThis post may have come across as though we were doubting the positive effects of Dianatal. Really, ANYTHING that lubricates and gently massages a birthing woman's tissues during Stage 2 of birth, is going to benefit (if this is something she desires and is comfortable with). Some good ol' virgin olive oil and a skilled midwife's hands will do the trick without the need for $$ on Dianatal. But if this is a product you *want* for your birth, by all means - get what makes your birthing day the one you desire to have! :)
ReplyDeleteWhile true, sometimes any lubrication is better than none...I wonder what the propylene glycol, hydroxyethylcellulose and carbomer does to interrupt the natural process of inocculating the infant with the first bacteria it would normally receive from the vagina to populate its skin and gut. Even if those ingredients didn't create an unfriendly environment to their delicate lives, is it possible that it would create enough of a barrier to impede the beneficial bacteria reaching the infant? Proplene glycol industrially is used to de-ice planes...ever sat on the tarmac waiting for the plane to take off and see the huge tanks labled propylene glycol? It seems like a natural option like coconut oil or olive oil would be a much better option. Or how about manual stimulation to increase the mother's natural lubrication? Birth is not a seperate experience from the juicy, loving union that created that life in the first place.
ReplyDeleteYet another reason to birth at home if possible.
Great points, Laura! Those first friendly bacteria are SO very important.
ReplyDeleteO..K.. When I was in college a professor told us about an award they gave for the best catch during a delivery. One year the award went to a Dr. who made the catch as the babe was going over his shoulder. So this should help that competition for sure!
ReplyDeleteI thought you did a good job of reviewing this product DrMomma. However, your comment later that said that anything that massages and lubricates the tissues during the second stage is going to benefit is not supported by evidence. There have been few trials that have researched whether or not massage and lubricant makes any difference and those that have been done are either too small to be relevant or do not adequately compare this intervention with a completely hands off active birth (e.g. upright mother, no time limits etc).
ReplyDeleteMany midwives do use perineal massage and lubricants such as olive oil. But these are still interventions. Our bodies work beautifully without anyone's hands inside our vagina and produces the perfect lubricant all on its own.
This absurd product is simply another way for a pharmaceutical company to make money by producing something that is completely unnecessary.
@Leanne, I'm delighted you had such a positive experience with your second birth. In the absence of anaesthesia, however, almost all women are capable of walking within minutes of giving birth. Following a water birth, for instance, most women stand up, get out of the tub and walk over to the bed in order to birth their placenta. I'm not sure this lubricant had anything to do with that.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, my first thoughts were the same as others above - 1. how on earth can it benefit dilation, and 2. I'm not sure I want even small amounts of antifreeze near my baby - although it makes me wonder what's in alcohol hand sanitizers, etc.