Don't Retract Pack


The International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) released the announcement today that mother/baby-friendly obstetrician, Dr. Tate, of Atlanta Georgia attended the VBAC of triplets!

Mom birthed naturally in the Atlanta hospital where her first two babies presented head down and the third arrived as a footling breech. Her three baby girls triggered labor in their own time - at 38 weeks gestation - and all had apgar scores of 8/9 at birth.

The babies are each breastfeeding successfully and mom is elated with her successful VBAC. A heartfelt congratulations to her for this special birth. What lucky little girls she has! And major props to Dr. Tate who has quickly become one of the nation's most outstanding obstetricians through his wise practice that continuously puts mothers and babies first!

More details on the triplet girls delivered by VBAC:
1st Baby Girl = 4lbs, 6oz; 18.25in at 10:24pm, vertex.
2nd Baby Girl = 6lbs, 4oz; 18.25in at 10:37pm, vertex.
3rd Baby Girl = 3lbs, 11oz; 16.5in at 10:39pm, double footling breech extraction.

If you have had a previous cesarean, you too have the option of birthing vaginally for your future births - no matter how many previous c-sections you have had, or how many babies you are carrying. Read and link to more VBAC and HBAC resources here.



  1. So awesome! Huge kudos to her :-) Sharing this!

  2. I love this! Good for mom, and what a great doctor!!

  3. amazing! i'm so happy for all 4 of them. that picture of the triplets is adorable. :)

  4. what wonderful news!

  5. What a triumph!! I delivered frank breech twins with dr. Tate 7 months ago! What an amazing doctor!!

  6. Brilliant work! Inspiring!

    They were just...BORN. Like all babies hould be. No NICU. No surgical teams. Just a birth. Fabulous.

  7. Awesome! I birthed my breech twins at home 4 months ago and it was a wonderful experience. My first came complete breech, the second was double footling.

  8. Thank you, Dr. Tate. Women need more physicians like you. And congragulations on these beautiful babies.

  9. That Mama is a ROCK STAR carrying three for that long AND birthing them all. That doctor is amazing for attending that birth. I want to write him a thank you letter!

    -signed, Mama who carried twins to 38.3 and birthed vaginally

  10. That is one of the most amazing stories in this day and age. W00t!

  11. That is so awesome. I wish more physicians and hospitals were open to VBAC for multiples (or singletons, for that matter) in the US.

  12. I delivered triplets via c-section, my doctor did not even consider vbac, my largest triplet was 7 pounds 1 ounce. She did great!!! Go Momma!!!

  13. AWESOME!!!! Way to go mama! We need more OB's like that in America.

  14. Congrats! I just had triplet girls in December. My doctor would not even think about a vaginal birth! All three at delivery ended up feet first.

  15. Yipeeeee!! so happy for this Great News! about to do a VBAC cant wait! triplets? how amazing!!

  16. WONDERFUL to hear! I only know of one other triplet Mama to have given birth vaginally. I personally had my 38.5 week twins at home. First baby came footling/complete breech (just a bit of foot coming first) and second was posterior vertex (he flipped head down and sister came out). Easily and without all that much fuss. :)

  17. Anyone interested in emailing Dr. Tate with kudos, his email address is as follows:

    Let's tell him how great he is!

  18. Great job, mama and BRAVO Dr. Tate. Dr. Tate should open his own medical school and show people how it's really done...and done well!!!

  19. I'm a general Dr in Mexico and I think is a privilege to know that there's still doctors that respect natural birth for what it is... what a wonderful experience should've been. Congratulatios!

  20. That is beautiful! It's is amazing what our bodies can do when we allow it to! Another breech homebirth here!

  21. How exciting! Kudos to the family and their entire birth and parenting team. :-)

  22. Oh that is wonderful. What a great doctor to take part in this and not make it impossible for the mother to do. We should all send him a thank you note on behave of so many other mothers of multiples.

  23. He just delivered a 2nd set of triplets vaginally as well a couple weeks ago :-)

  24. Amazing! How nice to see a doctor do this! And of course what an amazing mother to carry those babies so long. WOW

  25. Incredible! I birthed twins via HBAC.... :)

  26. Yaaaay, much-larger family :):). Congrats!

  27. Kudos to the medical provider that had the training and experience to provide the mom with this opportunity. Many would run in fear and have taken the 'safe' way by doing a C section at 34 weeks and then brought the babies to the NICU for a month or two. Personally, I don't believe there is enough statistically relevant data to dictate such a prescribed manner of managing multiple pregnancies.
