Don't Retract Pack

A Poem For the Children This Earth Never Had

Sand butterfly and photo by Carly Marie Dudley of Christian's Beach

A Poem

I cried for joy when I saw the pink lines
We’d waited and waited for such a long time.
People gave gifts to show their delight,
I could barely get any sleep at night.
I was so excited to experience this life
I felt like I finally had something right.
The family I’d dreamed of for so many years
Was worth the wait, and was finally here.
Then in an instant, the joy was gone
I went to the doctor because something was wrong.
He said not to worry, it would all be ok
But he was wrong, and my baby left me that day.
My heart aches for the child I never knew
He was once in my womb, then with angels he flew.
I’m sure he’s in heaven having a ball
With Jesus, the greatest Daddy of all.
I can’t wait for the day that I see my child
He’ll run to me quick with his arms open wide.
I love him as much as I love my new son
But he’ll forever be my very first one.
He holds a very special place in my heart
He made me a Mommy, though his time was cut short.
My dream has come true and my family is great
I have three kids in heaven, my arrival they await.
Someday we’ll be together and they’ll sit on my lap
And I’ll mother the children that this Earth never had.

~ Tricia Pyatt

Tricia Pyatt is a wife of 12 years, and mother of two living children. She has four babies who didn't make it on this earth, but await her in heaven. Tricia devotes her days to homeschooling her 7 year old son and running after her active 1 year old daughter. Amidst the busy, bustling fun, Tricia is completing her degree in counseling, attending college two nights a week. She enjoys music, writing and sewing. The little bit of income she brings into the family is through her wonderful handmade items - primarily baby things! Her specialty is fleece diaper covers and the the demand for her creations has been booming -- something she says as a blessing. Visit her shop on Facebook at Lil Miss Crafty Pants. Tricia has suffered with infertility and losses in her days as a mom, and has a special place in her heart for helping other mothers who have been affected by infant loss. She never dreamed her poem would bring such peace to so many women, but she is happy to share it with you, and would love to hear your reflections as well.


  1. I too have 3 children waiting for me in heaven and 2 here on earth I have the privilege to mother. I share your bittersweet joy.

    You have written a beautiful poem. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. What a beautiful poem! I have not personally lost a child, but my mother has lost many. She struggled with infertility and was not able to stay pregnant for very long. She ended up adopting my brother and I. I can't wait to share this poem with her. I know that she will love it even more than I do.

  3. This is absolutely beautiful and hits so close to home... We lost our first child, a baby girl at 41 weeks in February 2010. We gave birth to our second child, a healthy baby boy, in July 2011. I am an "older" mom, and had waited for so long to become pregnant and start a family... We are so happy to have our baby boy with us, and he brings us so much joy every day, but we do miss our baby girl, as well. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful poem. Hugs to you and your family.

  4. This is beautiful! And fits my life very closely! I have three babies in heaven, I am an "older" that waited many years for babies to come into my life. Finally 8 years ago my first of three sons arrived. In April I hope to have another son!

  5. should not have read this pregnant! so hormonal i'm bawling! such a sweet, sweet poem. so sharing this!!!
