Don't Retract Pack

Have Your Cake... And Eat it Too! Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free, Fruit Sweetened Pound Cake Recipe

By Denise Nassar © 2012

A couple of years ago, I joined the millions of Americans diagnosed with gluten sensitivity. At first it was hard to change my diet, but soon I had become a pro at buying gluten-free, processed products . I didn't really care what they were made of, I just wanted to eat something to replace my old treats.

Fast forward a few months later, and my 2 year old daughter started showing symptoms of a gluten sensitivity. My view on gluten free products changed dramatically. I started reading labels and realizing that most of these products were filled with chemicals, preservatives and ingredients with names I couldn't even pronounce, so I began making my own baked goods made with real-food ingredients.

When more and more of my friends began to ask for these recipes, an idea was born. I realized that many people struggle with creating healthy, fast and easy to make meals, so I decided to create a blog - Edible Harmony ( to share some of my family’s favorite recipes.

This year my daughter finally had a birthday cake! It was a delicious "normal" looking one, with frosting and all. The smile on her face was priceless. Here is to undeprived birthday celebration! Hope it is one you might enjoy as well.

Pound Cake (Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free, Fruit Sweetened)


6 eggs
1/2 cup of coconut flour
12 dates
1 tbsp of vanilla
1/4 tsp of baking soda
1/4 tsp of baking powder
1/2 cup of coconut oil
1/4 tsp of sea salt


Pre-heat oven to 350.
Using an immersion blender, food processor or regular blender mix all ingredients together, except the coconut flour, until dates are dissolved.
Mix in the coconut flour.
Pour batter into a well-greased bread loaf baking pan or a 7.5 inch round baking pan.
Flatten the top using a spoon or moist hands.
Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until you can stick a knife in the cake and comes out dry.
Let cool, remove from mold, eat as is or decorate with vanilla cream frosting or your favorite frosting.

Vanilla Cream Frosting


1 cup of coconut oil
1 cup of full fat coconut milk, canned or homemade (
1 tbsp of vanilla extract
5 tsp of arrowroot powder
4 tbsp of raw honey


In a small saucepan, whisk together the vanilla, arrowroot, and coconut milk and bring to a boil.
Lower heat and continue to cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
Melt in the coconut oil and remove from heat.
Once the mixture is at room temperature, mix in the honey using an electric mixer or immersion blender.
Refrigerate overnight or for several hours until it hardens.
Whisk again using an electric mixer until it has a consistency similar to whipped cream.
Frost cake or cupcakes and top with coconut flakes or fresh fruit.




  1. I'm so excited to try this cake out! What an excellent recipe =) Thanks for posting, Denise!

  2. Amazing, practical, simple, nutritious, delicious!

  3. Sounds yummy, I am going to try this with ENER-G Egg replacer and see how it turns out. Love what I have seen so far!

  4. I tried the frosting for my son's birthday (he has dairy and egg allergy) and it didn't work out for me. The melted coconut oil floated to the top while in the fridge and hardened leaving the rest liquid underneath. When I tried to whip it up it just stayed liquid with big chunks of oil. :( Not sure what went wrong.

  5. We did this cake for my daughter and she loved it. Or so I think she did. I loved it. We put strawberries on it as the sweetener. It was great. I just recommended it to a friend and she is going to make it this weekend. So glad I found this recipe. Thank you.
