Don't Retract Pack

Is my baby ready for solids?

Is my baby ready for solids? 

This is a quick check list to know for sure. If YES to all of the above, your little one may be ready to begin babyled weaning (i.e. consumption of the first non-milk items).

If no to even one, waiting a little longer may be best. Watch your baby, not the dates or the calendar (except for age minimums). There is no harm in delaying the starting of solids for a baby who is otherwise nursed/fed on cue around the clock, and there are many benefits (immunity, development, gut health) up to a certain point, and when it is done in baby's own perfect timing.

Additional good reading on this topic and more: 

Baby Matters (the science behind why waiting matters):

Take Charge of Your Child's Health (chapter on breastfeeding, and chapter on starting solids/natural weaning):

Natural Family Living (chapter on breastfeeding/starting solids):

Our Babies, Ourselves (sections that address breastfeeding and weaning throughout humanity and around the world today):

How Weaning Happens (an oldie but goodie!): 

Babyled Weaning:

Parents with little ones moving into their weaning days are welcome to join the Babyled Weaning Group on Facebook:

Breastfeeding moms are welcome to join:


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