Don't Retract Pack

So God Made a Mama

So God Made a Mama

And on the 8th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, "I need a homemaker."

So, God made a mama.

God said I need somebody to get up early, lay out clothes, bake biscuits, fry bacon and eggs, set the table, and wake and feed four kids, and then get them on the bus on time.

So, God made a mama.

I need somebody with strong arms - strong enough to tow a sick four year old while mopping the floor, yet gentle enough to soothe the worst boo-boo with a simple kiss.

Somebody to make the beds, who'll sweep the floors, wash tons of clothes, make lunch (for a working husband), shop for groceries, pay the bills, and still have time for supper.

So, God made a mama.

God said I need somebody to gather eggs, pick tomatoes, mend broken bibs, and can make clothes and bake cake from scratch.

Someone who can give four baths, can help with homework, brush four heads of head, and love four different children equally.

So, God made a mama.

God had to have someone to give up her piece of pie, wipe tears from their eyes, give comfort for every bad dream, and take care of every lost stray the kid could bring home.

So, God made a mama.

God said I must have someone who never thinks of themselves, only takes what's left. And somebody to work from before daylight to dark, and then through the night, without ever once stopping to rest. Someone who could make gourmet meals from leftovers, who would pull up covers and gently kiss each cheek at night. It had to be someone who would check on their neighbor, rock sick kids forever, and still never complain a bit. She had to be someone who would read from the Bible, knew church was a staple, and God and family was first on her list.

So, God made a mama.

-Woody Woodruff

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