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3 Smart Ideas for New Jersey Moms Looking to Bond with Their Little Ones

Let’s face it: finding meaningful opportunities to bond with your kiddos can be a challenge.

This is especially true in a day and age where it’s more tempting to keep our kids glued to technology or simply stay at home. After all, money can be tight and even the simple process of planning a day-trip out can be downright exhausting.

Despite all of this, moms simply can’t afford to miss out on essential bonding time with their toddlers. Consider how it only gets more and more difficult as time passes: even if it may seem like an uphill battle now, getting out and spending time with your child should be a top priority for Jersey moms.

Trust me: by going through the effort to plan some bonding time now, you’ll thank yourself down the road.

The good news? Creating those sorts of memories is possible in New Jersey without breaking the bank. We’ve outlined some fun ideas for moms from all walks of life to spend quality time with their kids.

Go Camping

Don’t assume that you’re not the type to enjoy the great outdoors! If there’s one tried-and-tested way to make memories, it’s through a good old-fashioned camping trip. From being able to bring your own food to letting your child run wild, camping trips are both cost-effective and a blast if you’re in Jersey.

Hiking? Tubing? Kayaking? No matter how much or little adventure you’re looking for, there’s something for everyone!

Bear in mind that you don’t necessarily need to pitch a tent to enjoy the myriad of camping options along the coast. In fact, you can find plenty of RV rentals throughout New Jersey if you’re not quite ready to “rough it” yet.

Check Out the State’s Must-See Parks

On a related note, anything that can get you and your kids out and about is a major plus. If you want to double-dip your child seeing some of the state’s top parks while also squeezing in some bonding time, go for it!

You can totally make a picnic day-trip of the following must-see hotspots for fellow moms:

  • Liberty State Park: beautiful skyline view, free parking and a lovely waterside walk all included
  • Barnegat Lighthouse State Park: little ones love trekking up the lighthouse and enjoying the one-of-a-view from up high 
  • High Point State Park: trails and playgrounds aplenty, a great place for kids who aren’t so easily tired out

Oh, and don’t count out some of New Jersey’s best beaches if you’re looking to enjoy some serious fun in the sun with your kids as well.

Zoos, Farms, Gardens (Oh My!)

They don’t call New Jersey the Garden State for nothing!

Again, there’s nothing quite like the nature of New Jersey if you’re willing to make the trek. If your kids are in love with wildlife, the Lakota Wolf Preserve in Columbia is a must-do; meanwhile, the Frelinghuysen Arboretum in Morristown is a flower lovers’ dream come true. Of course, don’t be afraid to go beyond the realm of downtown or your traditional stops in pursuit of a good time.

You simply can’t put a price tag on memories that’ll last a lifetime, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend a ton to make it happen! Hopefully these ideas can inspire you to get out there with your child and do exactly that.

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