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Tips for Dealing with Gestational Diabetes

Being pregnant should be one of the most exciting and wonderful times of your life, but for some soon-to-be moms, it can also be scary. There are things that can go wrong during pregnancy, which can result in you having to see your doctors more often or even be on bed rest. One of the most common issues with pregnancy is known as gestational diabetes, a condition that causes mothers to have diabetes only when pregnant. This is a change that mothers need to fully understand and be aware of to help keep it under control until after your baby is born. If you have recently been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, then here are some tips you need to know for dealing with it better.

Check blood sugar regularly.

There are many ways to check your diabetes levels. Some people opt to check their blood sugar using a tool that pricks your finger and then you use your blood. Using ketone test strips will help you have a better understanding of where your levels are at. If they are spiking in any direction, it could be a cause for concern. By knowing ahead of time, you can contact your doctor right away and have him/her treat you for the spike, so you can have a safer pregnancy.

Eat the right foods.

Like most health issues, gestational diabetes can be managed if you opt to eat the right diet. Your doctor or a dietician can help you determine the right foods and right diet plan for you to follow in order to keep your blood sugar levels under control. Be sure to follow their directions strictly, as any type of straying could be one of the reasons your gestational diabetes becomes something more important for you to deal with while pregnant. In most cases, you’ll likely be on a high carbohydrate diet. In addition, foods high in fiber are also great for those suffering from gestational diabetes.

Stick to water.

You may be craving that soda, Gatorade, or juice, but sweet drinks will be a downfall for you while trying to combat the gestational diabetes. Instead of drinking anything sweet, it’s best for you to keep it simple. Water is great for your body because it keeps you hydrated, and the water doesn’t have any added sweeteners in it that could cause your blood sugar levels to rise or fall. If you’re really craving something sweet to drink, consider adding a few lemon slices to your water to help you get the sweetness without too much sugar.


Although exercising may be the last thing on your mind when pregnant, it can actually help you combat your gestational diabetes. Even a small walk around the block will be enough to help improve your blood sugar levels. Another great thing to do is to get in the pool. This puts less strain on your body and is a great resistance workout that will benefit not only your gestational diabetes but will also benefit your overall health as well as help you get back to your pre-baby body once your baby is born. Just be sure to talk with your doctor first to see what exercise options are good for you, and then be sure to stick to his/her recommendation.

Don’t stress.

Having gestational diabetes will be a change and something for you to fully pay attention to, but it’s also something that you cannot stress about. Your doctor will be keeping a close eye on you, and you should pay attention to your body and contact him/her if you feel something is wrong. However, if you stress about it, you’ll only cause yourself more chances to get sick, and that’s not good for your overall health or the health of your baby. Find stress relievers and try to put your focus on having a healthy baby.

Take medication.

There are medications out there that are safe for pregnant women with gestational diabetes. If your doctor prescribes you a medication, be sure to take it according to their directions. This will help you. However, should you have any side effects from the medication, be sure to contact your doctor right away as there will likely be another medication you can try.

Having gestational diabetes will be a change, but it’s not something that cannot be managed. If you get the report you have it, then be sure to talk to your doctor about the different options you have and what changes you should make and be sure to also use these above-listed tips.

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