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Things you should know about postpartum depression

The thought that you cannot care for your baby efficiently can be disturbing. After waiting to hold your baby for nine long months, the last thing you want is to have postpartum depression. This state is powerful and can last for some time. Mothers who suffer from this illness find it hard to care for their babies. This is due to the feelings that accompany this illness. There are one or two things that you don’t know about this postpartum depression. Read on to find out more.

It can start during pregnancy or after birth

While everyone expects the condition to kick off soon after birth, postpartum depression can begin during pregnancy. The symptoms can also begin in during the three months of birth.

Women are at risk

According to studies, women who have a family record of anxiety or mood or depression are at a higher risk of developing PPD. Also, those who suffer significant mood-related changes associated with menstrual cycles are at risk. Those who have experienced postpartum depression in their previous pregnancy have a significant chance of having it again. This means, if you have had PPD before, you need to take precautions early. Women and teenagers who are financially unstable, also have a significant risk of developing PPD.

It is difficult to discuss

The feeling to express happiness is overwhelming and thus making it hard to address the condition. Most women find it hard to express themselves or experience the joy they anticipated to have with the little ones. You will not enjoy the birth of the baby.

It is treatable

While some women don’t get treated for this condition, you can get treatment if you identify that you need help. A mixture of psycho-treatment and anti-depressant can healing can be a slow process, but you will eventually get better in three or four months. You can get help from people who are qualified in treating postpartum depression. Alternatively, you may seek help from a postpartum depression foundation. Many PPD foundations offer support to the sufferers.

You can be a good mother

Even with the condition, you can be a good mother and wife. This can be achieved by having supportive people around you. People who have partners with PPD should learn how to assist and support their partners. This can help PPD patients to feel they belong to the family and they are no less than other women without the condition.


If you are suffering from PPD, just know you are not alone. There are several women out there who are suffering like you. But the good news is that you can get help from the experts. You should also know that even symptoms are not the same for all women. One of the common sign of this condition is that you will feel disconnected from your little one. Other women also experience disorientation, fogginess, and Barnes. Others also have their sleeping pattern altered. In case you feel these symptoms, seek medical help right away.

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