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7 Things to do Before Baby Arrives

Life is completely different after the arrival of a baby. A baby comes with more responsibilities and commitment. Therefore, you might not find time to do the things that you normally do. Generally, wherever you go, your baby will go to, especially in the early days. This is not always straightforward and there may be some things you can no longer do now that you are a parent. So, prior to your baby's arrival make the most of uninterrupted sleep and freedom to go where you please, when you please. Self-care and having some good times before your new arrival comes is important.

Below are 7 things you might like to do before your baby comes.

1. Spend more time with friends

A newborn baby is a blessing. However, after the baby arrives, it means you will have to cut or rather minimise some of the activities you were fond of. Spending more time with friends is a good example of the activities you will have to compromise to accommodate your little angel. Have quality time with your friends before the arrival of your baby. Go out with them and call them often too. Some of the friends who are experienced in baby care will prepare you mentally and psychology on what to expect. Big crowds, loud music and noise from bars and clubs are not exactly baby-friendly. Visit these places when you still can, so as to not feel left out when the baby finally arrives.

2. Treat Yourself

Your self-care routines, hair and nails makeover, shopping and even time for showering will also reduce once you deliver your baby. Most of your energy will be focused on them. Now is the time to do most of the household chores, clothes and shoe shopping. Make having enough sleep at night and naps part of your daily pattern. You might miss them in the near future. You might also consider pampering yourself prior to the birth so you are ready for when your due date comes.

3.  Attend Baby Classes

Every single person aspires to be a good parent. Here is a chance to learn more about what parenthood is all about. There are various options available for couples expecting to be parents to learn about parenthood. These include counselling sessions, blogs and vlogs and clinics. Talking to older parents could help as well. This will give you knowledge of what is to come. You get to learn about healthy meals to have when pregnant as well as when breastfeeding. Also, during your baby classes you will be taught on the importance of keeping your baby safe. This will mostly include the importance of having a baby car seat, installing it correctly and in accordance with the government’s regulations.

4.  Finish up on Important Projects

Before your baby arrives consider the additional items that will need to be bought to take care of your baby. There will be items that you have to buy on a regular budget and you need to ensure you consider this. It would be advisable to consider finishing up other family projects before the baby arrives. Be it buying that car, finishing up with the construction and repairing of the house.

5.  Decide on a Pediatrician

Children are vulnerable and sensitive to most of the atmospheric reactions. A newborn baby was used to being in their mother’s womb. Coming into the world is a change of climate for them. They could possibly get an irritation or fall ill. As a parent, you need to pick on the best paediatrician before your baby arrives. You want to know where to turn should your baby need quality medical assistance. 

6. Shop for baby’s clothes, toys, and bedding

A newborn baby needs a lot of clothes, bedding and toys too. A baby will have a change of clothing at an average of six times in a single day. Often usage of the same clothes makes them wear out faster. The same applies to beddings. Toys will get broken or misplaced too. Prior to baby arriving ensure that you have adequate supplies of some of the essential items you will need when baby comes. Getting to the shops immediately after birth can be tricky and so make sure you have done a decent shop prior to baby arriving.

7.  Have Insurance Plans for Baby

Having insurance plans for a baby means that you are securing the life, health and education of the baby. Having a health insurance policy will make your baby’s clinical visits easier and affordable while giving you peace of mind.

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