Rosemary Romberg
02.27.1947 - 02.07.2020
It is with deeply heavy and grieving hearts that we pass along this note from Rosemary Romberg's husband, Steve. 💕
Rosemary has always been a steadfast comrade for the cause, supporter of
Peaceful Parenting,
Saving Our Sons, all
The Intact Network chapters and leaders across the nation, and, more importantly, a kindred friend.
She is a 'regret parent' herself, who spoke compassionately with families about
Keeping Future Sons Intact, and always shared her testimony authentically and honestly.
Rosemary remained steadfast in her faith, though storms would brew, and poured her heart into the
Whole Christian Network's mission of reaching parents who otherwise thought they had to circumcise "because it's in the Bible."
Her book, "Circumcision: The Painful Dilemma" was one of the first of its kind, geared to parents in hopes of exposing the myths, lies, and misconceptions surrounding #circumcision and paving the way to an intact future. In recent years, she placed her book online for all to read freely:
Rosemary purchased the 1981 images from the Saturday Evening Post article on circumcision so they would never be buried and remain publicly seen for the realities of what circumcision is. In 2008, Rosemary shared these with SOS, and they remain a poignant part of genital autonomy history:
In recent years, Rosemary traveled to
DC to participate in
Genital Integrity Awareness Week and other events we've co-hosted at the nation's capitol, and even when she was unable to attend, she steadfastly supported #GIAW and its mission. One year she sent a box of handmade bibs and ornaments (put together with love in Alaska) to share with
Saving Our Sons families. She had several stampers with intact messages, that she used to plant messages everywhere she went - often between
Alaska and
Hawaii. 💜
There is so very much more to share and say about this beautiful, amazing, strong, compassionate and wise woman, but for now, tonight, our hearts and love and prayers go out to her dear family. Thank you so very much for sharing Rosemary with us over all these years.
Our lives are forever blessed because of her.
“Our generation (I was born in 1947) grew up seeing the adult world as 'the enemy.' We were spanked if we did wrong. We were bawled out and told that we had no right to be frightened and reluctant if we were scared about going to the doctor or dentist. We grew up bullied, so thought that was what parenting was all about. It has taken us a lot of re-thinking and undoing to learn not to be as hard-hearted as our parents, teachers, and others had been to us. A child's feelings should never be invalidated." -Rosemary Romberg on peaceful parenting
Rosemary Romberg - snuggling Lindsey and Adam's sweet baby during a break in Saving Our Sons street education days during the American Academy of Pediatrics conference. |
Also by Rosemary Romberg:
• Circumcision: The Painful Dilemma:
• From Peaceful Birth to Circumcision Trauma:
• Saturday Evening Post 1981 Circumcision Publication:
• What About Local Anesthesia?
Rosemary has materials at
Keeping Future Sons Intact, the
Whole Christian Network,
Saving Our Sons,
The Intact Network, and Saving Our Sons'
Alaska and
Hawaii chapters - all areas she helped with.
"The seeds of intactivism have been nourished and watered with the tears of regret parents." -Rosemary Romberg |
Rosemary Romberg |
Rosemary Romberg with fellow intactivists and friends. |
"Be sure to tell people that's my wrist!" -Rosemary Romberg joked as the photo was snapped by Soleil Life photography. |
Rosemary Romberg with friends and fellow educators. |
One of the 3 stampers Rosemary had Saving Our Sons make for her that she took everywhere, stamping cash and post-its, and planting seeds along the way. She would send us reports of how many "seeds" she planted between Alaska and Hawaii whenever she made the venture.
Rosemary Romberg with fellow advocates - Washington D.C. |
Rosemary and Danelle first met in 2005 while Danelle was authoring graduate research on genital autonomy. Over the years they regularly exchanged notes on peaceful parenting and how to most effectively reach new and expecting families. |
Rosemary Romberg to those who belittle and attack 'regret parents.'
Rosemary Romberg and her dear husband, Steve Wiener. |
Medical Professionals for Genital Autonomy materials were shared at a sidewalk stand for passing pediatricians. One AAP board member took materials into the conference hall and presented them to his colleagues after he had met with us for an hour. He recorded his presentation sharing MedPro materials with fellow physicians, and came back out to share the video and feedback with us. Most pediatricians are NOT in favor of infant circumcision. |
Rosemary Romberg showing off her (intact!) David sculpture socks. Her shirt reads: Circumcision: the biggest lie in medical history. Socks photos by James Loewen. |
Rosemary Romberg's intact Statue of David socks! |
"Since babies have no words, we must speak for them. Their screams must be heard." -Rosemary Romberg |
Karen (from Canada) and Rosemary Romberg (from Alaska) traveled the furthest to assist with this Saving Our Sons event. |
Equal Rights for ALL Sexes - girls, boys, and intersex. Rosemary Romberg was a champion for genital autonomy of all human beings, and the genital integrity of minors. There truly is "No Medical Excuse for Genital Abuse." |
In November 2015, Rosemary Romberg was able to meet Penn and Teller in person, and thank Penn Jillette for his continued outspoken advocacy for the genital autonomy of babies and children. She asked Saving Our Sons to add their names to this photo, and be sure to keep the message they BOTH share going forward. Penn & Teller's episode on circumcision aired in 2005 on "Bullshit" (Season 3, Episode 1). It is available to purchase for $1.99 here: |
Rosemary Romberg: I stand against ALL male, female, and intersex genital mutilation. |
Rosemary Romberg and Danelle Day |
Rosemary Romberg on the gentle post-birth time she wished she had with her babies. |
Rosemary Romberg's t-shirt sports the well known quote: "Well behaved women seldom make history." Here with James Loewen, whose videos and photos touch countless lives. Watch his interview with Rosemary here: |
"There is a growing acceptance of the fact that the body is designed correctly, as it normally comes into the world, and does not need to be surgically made different." -Rosemary Romberg |
Whole Christian Network cards Rosemary chose to add her Peaceful Beginnings with Rosemary site to, in order to pass them out to everyone she met along her paths. |
Are babies and children mere property, from which their parents can slice off pieces on a whim? Or are they human beings with rights, needs, and feelings of their own? -Rosemary Romberg |
"In any other context, if someone were to forcibly restrain an infant or child, and do something to hurt their genitals, we would not hesitate to call this child abuse. What mystical, irrational, nonsense has caused us to consider this acceptable?" -Rosemary Romberg |
"Only after learning facts piled upon facts did I fully realize the wrongness and absurdity of cutting the genitals of helpless, sensitive infants. It is a painful awareness, but one that so many of us, who at one time felt brainwashed to perceive circumcision as 'the norm,' have now awakened to the blatant reality of." -Rosemary Romberg |
What we do in life, echoes in eternity. You've made a real, lasting difference, Rosemary! |
And we will never forget you Rosemary!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the life you lived.
You will NEVER be forgotten!