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How to Prepare Your Home for Your New Baby

The nesting instinct to create the ideal environment for your newborn is real and natural. You may find that you have an overwhelming urge to clean every nook and cranny of your home, to redecorate from top to bottom, and invest in entirely new furniture. While there is nothing wrong with this if you have the time, money, and support network around you to help with the more physical tasks, be realistic about what is necessary and achievable. At the end of the day, as long as you and the baby are happy and healthy, the rest is window dressing. Here are some factors to keep in mind when preparing your home for your new baby. 

Make big changes early

The last thing you need to feel is unnecessary pressure to have a pristine ‘show home’ ready for your baby’s arrival. However, if you have been planning to invest in new living room furniture or upgrade your flooring for a while, now could be the perfect time to get it done. Just be sure to get major work done well before your due date to avoid last-minute stresses. 

Focus on the essentials 

Some people assume that their home needs to be a sterile and clutter-free haven to be safe for a baby, but the truth is that babies do not move until they are at least several months old. As long as you have nappies, clothes, feeding equipment, blankets, and somewhere safe and secure for them to sleep, you are ready to go. Ensuring all the essentials are organized will help you to stay relaxed in the early days and weeks so you can focus on getting to know your baby. 

Pre-cook and freeze some meals 

When you arrive home, you are likely to be tired and busy, so cooking may be low on your priority lists. However, it is also a good idea to eat as well as you can to ensure you have the energy and nutrition you need to be the best mom you can be. Before the birth, spend some time cooking, packing, and freezing homecooked meals that can be easily defrosted and heated as needed. 

Make sure you have a car seat

It may seem obvious, but if you do not have a car seat, the hospital is unlikely to discharge the baby. It is important to get a car seat that is the right size for your baby and that both you and your partner (or close family member) are able to fit securely. Click here for tips on choosing a car seat. 

Take it easy

You are probably going to have a lot of visitors in the first few weeks after your baby arrives. Usually, this might mean that you spend a lot of time on housework or making food, but this situation is different. You are perfectly within your rights to put your feet up and let others take the load for a while. If you need some alone time with your baby to recuperate and get into a rhythm before visitors start calling, ask people to wait a week or two. 

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