Don't Retract Pack

Breastfeeding Badges: Celebrating Milky Milestones

For a number of years breastfeeding moms arriving at peaceful parenting with lactation questions, seeking community, and finding support, have asked for breastfeeding badges to celebrate milestones along the way. This World Breastfeeding Week we are happy to share our badges with the hope that they empower, encourage, and warm many mommas' hearts along the way.

No matter how long you've nursed your baby, you are giving your little one a beautiful start in life - and one that will impact them forevermore.

The design for our breastfeeding badges includes colorful spirals with a glistening of milky white. Danelle Frisbie explains:
The breastfeeding badge spirals represent many things: the circular nature of life and love between a mother and her baby; generations of breastfeeding women before us and those to come; the ebb and flow and flexibility required as both a parent and as a nursing mom; the constant sureness that while we may not see things change moment to moment, they always are; the yin/yang type of opposites that exist in us all - sometimes bubbling forth through our breastfeeding years (anyone who has nursed a 2 or 3 year old will have days they want to quit, or feel touched out, but deeply long at the same time to keep going for the wellbeing of their child - knowing that a natural end in weaning will too quickly arrive, and this will all be gone in the blink of an eye). Spirals have also been used far into antiquity, and to the present day, to represent female energy, power, reproduction, and life-giving -- all of which flow forth in a mother's milk. 

We invite you to take and use breastfeeding badges along your own journey, and if you feel like sharing any of your experiences or photos with us, drop a note to or join the Breastfeeding Group on Facebook.

Wishing you all the milky love this year and beyond!

Breastfeeding badges can also be found on Facebook here.

Multiple Babies Badges

Color request from Mama's Milk, No Chaser.
If you have a badge request, write to
or leave a comment request in the Breastfeeding group.

Don't see the badge you need? Drop a note to

Pumping Badges

Specialty Badges

Black Breastfeeding Week: Aug 25-31
Background image twist on the International Breastfeeding Symbol by Pryia M. Laday.
Top 5 Reasons We Need Black Breastfeeding Week: